we've ordained another woman!
The Rev. Christy Chady is the newest deacon in the Ecumenical Catholic Communion.
Visit our photo album of the local church gathered to celebrate the blessing!
From the 2024 ECC Synod Liturgy Team:
Our Prayer for Synod
God on High, the mountains are radiant with your glory.
Through your Christ the dawn from on high
has broken upon us and lights our way.
+ Bless our preparations for our Holy Synod,
that we may be better bearers of the fire
that gives light to the world.
This we ask and can do, empowered by your Spirit,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Regular liturgical use of the prayer above is encouraged,
to be prayed at Masses, local council and delegate meetings, and other communal gatherings.
The Synod Liturgy Team also appreciates the more encompassing themes of the following prayer composed by Bishop Kedda, for use in newsletters and bulletins as a meditation resource.
Meditation in Anticipation of
the ECC Holy Synod
Source of all, our God, we lift up our beloved Ecumenical Catholic Communion
as it prepares to gather for our Holy Synod.
We do so knowing that all who gather have one primary responsibility
– to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among us, your will for us,
your desire to reveal to us how it is we best honor our commitments
to see the future you envision for us.
At our Holy Synod, through our prayers together, our worship together,
our dialogue together, our play together, our hearing of each other,
and our silence in the times required for us to discern,
deepen our love for each other and strengthen our commitments
to build a just world for all.
Let our laughter be rich, our love deep, and our joy without bound.
Unravel whatever it is that keeps us from hearing you
and clear space in our hearts for your wisdom.
Out of the work of this holy gathering may we live out more fully
our call to be proclaimers of your love in the world
and agents of your justice for all.
We come to you through Christ Jesus who is alive with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, now and forever. Amen.
The Colorado Council of Churches (CCC) is hosting a series of webinars to raise community awareness of some dimensions of the intolerance that currently plagues our Nation.
The first recorded webinar in the 3-part educational series:
"What is #ChristianNationalism, and why is everyone talking about it now?"
presented by Iliff School of Theology's Rev. Dr. Amanda Henderson. Video LINK.
PDF of a list of resources that she shared.
(See Fr. Michael's reflection HERE)
The second in the series:
"What Christians need to know about Antisemitism"
presented by the Anti Defamation League's regional director, Scott Levin.
Video LINK.
The third in the series:
"Why Christians should know about Islamophobia"
VIEW the recorded presentation by Ahmed Salih, a volunteer khateeb (a person who delivers the Friday sermons) at the Islamic Society of Colorado Springs.
His wi-fi was spotty, so see his Powerpoint HERE.
offering a place of welcome and affirmation
On April 8, 2024, the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith promulgated its Declaration of “Dignitas Infinita” On Human Dignity. Expressing our frustrations over the document's continued denial of our GLBTQAI+ siblings' inherent dignity and the reality of their lives ,we have responded with statements that articulate our affirming and boldly inclusive way of being Catholic. See our Bishop Kae Madden's reflection "Welcome, Support, and Dignity for ALL" among many others here.
On November 7, 2022, the Denver Post reported on the Roman Archdiocese of Denver's directing its Catholic schools to deny the lived experiences of transgender youths and same-sex parents in a document entitled “Guidance for Issues Concerning the Human Person and Sexual Identity.” In response, we have tried to articulate an alternate Catholic narrative.
As our Bishop Kae Madden said in an interview on Denver7 News, we are heart-broken that a population traditionally marginalized is being turned away by a segment of Christ's Church. See her interview here.
You can also read responses from around our Region. E.g., from St. Paul Catholic Community of Faith
take a look at our
NEW Gender-Inclusive Rosary
Mission Statement / Being Church Together
"... together as a communion of communities in response to our baptismal call to preach the Gospel of liberation and justice; to offer a refuge in Christ for those who suffer prejudice; to stand open to dialogue with others so called and to conform our lives to the life and teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Our Regional Bishop Elected By The People
"The Right Reverend Kae Madden was elected in May 2021 to be the first bishop to serve the five communities of the Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion (ECC). She is the co-founder (2004) and pastor (2006) of Church of the Beloved Ecumenical Catholic Community in Northglenn."
If you want a closer connection to our siblings across the Region and are curious about our consensus decision-making, join us:
our August 1st meeting 6-8:30pm on Zoom.
Monthly Regional Council Meeting
open to all
- check your community's newsletter for the Zoom link.
We hold our siblings in the Holy Land close during this time of escalated violence, and we raise our prayers to the heavens. We acknowledge that Jews, Muslims and Christians consider this land of promise to be sacred and call it home. We grieve not only the loss of life and and condemn all acts of terror; we also grieve the hard-heartedness that has kept people from negotiating peaceful resolutions to their conflicts and has brought us to this crisis. And so we pray...
God of All, You are to us the Father of Promise, the Mother of All Consolations. As the psalmist prayed, "in the day of distress we call to You, for surely You will answer" (Ps 86:7). Distress is again at hand, felt in searing tears and bones chilled to the core by the horrors on display. War and devastation have again disrupted our hope for peace in the Holy Land — holy because it is there that you have promised to draw all peoples to Yourself. You established it as a place of safety and bounty for the anawhim, the poor ones who sought refuge from oppression while remaining faithful to You in times of difficulty. Help us to remain faithful to humility, faithful to justice, faithful as peace-makers, faithful to love. Have mercy on us and grant us peace. Amen.
On Monday, October 9th, Fr. Michael attended a Community Vigil for Peace in Israel
at Temple Emmanuel, representing us and the Colorado Council of Churches.
(See article in the Denver Gazette.) Fr. Michael's main takeaways:
The Jewish community greatly appreciates our solidarity in this time of crisis and grief; visiting clergy thanked numerous times throughout the evening.
Almost everyone in the local community has family members or knows individuals are who are impacted in Israel.
The distinction was made between supporting Zionism (Israel's right to exist and have a safe home of their own) and certain policies of the current government.
Similarly, one can condemn Hamas/Hezbollah/Iranian regime (who vow to destroy the Israeli state) and support the Palestinian people.
Terrorism and acts of war are never justifiable.
Israel's defense is a rare issue that has bi-partisan support in Congress.
Denver Mayor Mike Johnston was incredibly eloquent, speaking heart to heart and journeying with those in crisis. He shared about how parents' hearts are outside of themselves — in their children, cherished as part of themselves.
He went on to recognize how Jewish Americans' hearts are in Israel, and assured those in attendance that he and Denver are holding them, part of our hearts, part of us.